So you're engaged- Congratulations!

Now for the fun (but also a little stressful) part of planning your big day. Hopefully after the venue and date is booked the next thing you’re thinking about is who’s going to capture all of these amazing memories for you!

As a photographer myself though, I know that choosing the right person is so difficult especially when pricing in the industry can vary drastically. The old adage ‘you get what you pay for’ 100% comes into play here but I thought Id give you a few questions to ask your photographer to make sure they are the right fit for you!

  1. Can we meet in person or have a call to chat? This is absolutely essential to me and I will insist on at least a phone call to hear all about you, your partner and your big day!
  2. Do they have a contract? MAJOR red flag if they don’t. Contracts protect both suppliers and customers
  3. Are they insured? Some venues require proof of insurance from suppliers, any professional photographer will have no problem answering this for you and if they don’t it's another red flag
  4. What is their style? You can also gauge this from their website but if you don’t like their style then honestly you aren’t going to like your images
  5. What equipment do they use? Now I’m not saying every photographer should have all the best of the best equipment but as a MINIMUM they should be shooting weddings with 2 professional cameras – this mitigates risk should one malfunction on the day. Another big red flag if they only shoot with one!
  6. Do they have a good relationship with other photographers? This may not seem important but if the last few years have taught us anything its that unexpected things can happen. Should the photographer you’ve booked be unable to shoot on your day it is essential they have a good network of similar photographers that can cover for them. I see SO MANY stressed out brides in facebook groups desperately trying to find a last minute photographer because they've been let down - thats not their responsibility, it should be on the photographer to find a replacement and any professional will.
  7. Are they okay to accommodate any of your special requests? For example it’s no good hiring a photographer that’s scared of dogs if you know you want your furry children involved in the day (I LOVE dogs btw)
  8. Have they ever shot at or are they familiar with your venue? It’s no big deal if they aren’t but any good photographer will tell you they will visit beforehand to get an idea of the lighting and scout locations for formal shots
  9. How do they deliver your images? Every photographer will have differing packages but most will have some type of online gallery. Is that enough for you or would you like a beautiful album? Some wall art? Or maybe just a box of prints? I can appreciate that everyone will want something different so that's why I have my basic photography package which includes an online gallery and then anything additional is an add on. Also consider the time it takes to get your images back to you
  10. Now this one is more a question you should ask yourself – do I like this person? Will we get along and are we a good fit? This is so so so important, I'm not saying you need to be best friends but you have to have a good enough feeling that this person will be someone you will get along with and have fun with on your day. I will be very upfront in telling prospective clients if I don’t think we are a good fit and recommend them to other photographers who may suit their needs and personality better.

I hope this has helped you or at least given you some ideas to think about! If you’d like to chat more about your wedding give me a message,


Danielle x