Fancy doing something different at your wedding?

Well now if you book your wedding at The Orangery you can be joined by 3 little guests during your drinks reception.

Bryn, Taffi and Gwyn are 3 alpacas that live on the Margam Park country estate and soon they will be available to come up and attend your wedding. Imagine the photo opportunities and cute moments you could get - something completely different to entertain your guests.

I work with The Orangery regularly and was so pleased to have been asked to be a part of this promotional shoot. The 3 boys did brilliantly with the family, especially the children and we got some incredible images to give you all an idea of what this brand new experience will look like.

Is this something you'd want at your wedding? As an animal lover, I definitely would!

If you're planning a wedding with alpacas get in touch with The Orangery today for more information.

And then pop right back here to talk about your wedding photography and how we can capture this special moment!